Email Statements are a great way to decrease time and costs associated with printing, stuffing and mailing paper bill statements. Not only is your time valuable, but the cost of postage and paper products is hefty. Utilizing the PayQuiq email billing service will allow you to reach your members instantly and make the process of paying off outstanding balances quick and easy. Members can view each outstanding item as well as view a history of their payments. Members will be able to pay their bill right from the email statement using either Credit Card or Electronic Check. You will have the option of allowing members to set up payments as recurring so that the balance total can be paid off in a timely manner. As with forms, the option to prompt members to increase their payment to help cover credit card fees is also available in these statements.
The process for setting up these email statements is easy, we will set up a training session with you and view your screen as we walk you through the steps. With a simple export of data from your membership management system, you will be able to import all outstanding payment information and the corresponding members email address so that each member receives one email with their statement laid out in a similar format to the paper statement they receive today. In addition to receiving an electronic statement, you have the ability to attach a customized form to the bottom of the statement. This will give you the option to ask members to include an additional donation, sign up for an upcoming event, choose to “go green” so they no longer receive paper statements etc.
Below you will see a sample email that your members will receive with a link to their individual statement, a sample statement with multiple line items and the addition of a form at the bottom of the statement requesting additional contributions:

Contact a member of the PayQuiq team today to set up your Email Statement training.
-The PayQuiq Team